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My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your product and yada yada so on and so on... 

I may be the irascible type but I stand up for my beliefs and morality so I happen to be a good friend to have. 

Truth, Justice the American way, and all that. I am here to stand for what is right. An analog warrior in a digital wasteland and I zig while others zag.

I see what others can not, I think of what others can not and for what it's worth I am what others are not.  My only weakness is my inflexibility in the name of stupidity.  

I have written for the likes of Fangoria, Rue Morgue, Horrorhound, The Dark Side, Hustler, Delirium, Cashiers du Cinemart, Gore Shriek, Neo-Tokyo, Night Flight, and many others. I have worked on films such as Feed The Fish and Project: Solitude, I have 2 decades of radio and live television experience. 

As Harlan Ellison once said, "You can not buy my soul... but you can rent my talent." 

My mission statement would be to take the world by storm. I have a creative mind that is borderline unhinged when it comes to ideas. I overflow with them and I want to (and plan to) release all of these ideas in one form or another onto the world. My mission statement is bluntly “I want to make people think and to look at the world in a light they may have never thought of before”.

Better to be at my side than at my feet. 

The Reel 

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Night Gallery The Tune In Dans Cafe.jpg
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The Blog

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Parallel Lines
The Audio
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